– NRN allows us to get better visibility and investor referrals from all over the country. We keep prospects better engaged by referring them to members when they are not quite ready.

– NRN helps us to better serve our clients. We have always given out referrals for accountants, insurance and attorneys, but now we are better able to work as one family office solution.

– We are Social Impact investment firm that works with financial advisors nationwide and NRN helps showcase our message. We also like the Client Bill of Rights because it encourages are all of us to be held to a higher standard of client care.
– I have passed many referrals to NRN because casualty insurance is not the only need our clients have. Now we can be part of a larger solution for their lives and that helps my practice stand apart from others.

– We are a college counseling company that relies on referrals from happy customers and financial professionals. NRN gives us additional visibility and more resources to better help our clients.

-NRN membership benefits everyone. Frankly I don’t see a reason why any professional wouldn’t want to join-

- I can’t recommend this enough. Everyone wins because we’re all working together as opposed to separately. My clients couldn’t be happier -

- The network has allowed me to work side-by-side with other advisers and benefit my clients in the process.